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What are the secret hacks to booking the cheapest flights? Check here

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Booking cheapflight tickets is an art. But it is alsonot so big a deal that one cannot easily capture it. By following a few quick tips and tricks, onecan save on flighttickets.

Want to knowhow? Read on to know more.

Tip 1 – LoveLayovers

Layovers are notas bad when you are looking to save a few bucks from your bucket. Nonstop flights are mostly more costly thanthe ones with a layover. It is thus to yourbenefit to spend a few hours In the lounge and save a few bucks on your flight tickets.

Also, looking atit the other way, a layover with a few added hours can mean a short trip to a
new city. So why shy away from a layover?

Tip 2 – Buynon-refundable tickets

When not indoubt, why not go for non-refundable tickets? If you are very sure of the dates, then this is one easy way to save afew hundred bucks on your trip. Most airlines in India will allow you tobuy and track non-refundable flight tickets. Going one step ahead would be booking thereturn tickets, too.

Tip 3 – Findthe cheapest days

In and aroundthe month, there are days when people would want to fly less. These are called cheap days and these are dayswhen you will get tickets for the lowest possible prices. For example, Mondays and Thursdays seecomparatively less airfare than the rest of the week. This is called “off-peak” travel and gettingtickets on these days is definitely a smart move.

Tip 4 – Clearyour online cookies

Online Cookieshappen to store the exact search history of your computer. There have been instances where it has beenfound that based on the cookies of your computer, agencies can determine the
type of flight you are looking for and then accordingly set prices. Clearing the browser cookies in one way toensure no one can track your activity.

Tip 5 – Openan incognito tab

After a fewsearches on the same browser, the prices of tickets often tend to increase. This is because after tracking web activity afew times, companies often tend to jack up prices. If one is using an incognito tab, the onlineactivity cannot be traced and hence, you can safely search your tickets without
airlines trying to jack up prices.

Tip 6 – Followthe airlines on their social platforms

Most often,airlines announce their deals on social media. These include upcoming deals and specialprices for festive seasons. People have saveda significant amount on ticket prices by following deals on social media. It is one of the upcoming and mostencompassing tips on saving a few bucks on flight tickets. Almost all airlines in India have a presence onsocial media and can be easily followed.